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  • NEW!

    741 fly tying kit
    741 fly tying kit

    Complete set which includes a Flylab vise and 7 fly tying tools. Supplied in a strong case whose rubber interior is shaped to give each tool a precise housing. Contents: Flylab vise, small Scissor, Bobtec1 bobbin with adjustable…

    € 175,00
  • 609 kaiman vise
    609 kaiman vise

    High precision vise for a fast hook changing. To use simply squeeze the lever and insert the hook into the jaw. When you release the lever the hook will be held firmly in the vise. The hardened steel jaw is designed to hold hooks…

    € 219,00
  • 610 tubefly vise
    610 tubefly vise

    High precision tubefly vise designed to tie on a wide range of tube sizes. The shaft is in-line full rotary thanks to dual precision ball bearings. The ergonomic head shape and the double diameter handwheel improve its…

    € 169,00
  • 653 elite vise
    653 elite vise

    High quality in-line 360° rotary action vise for tying flies and streamers. The stainless steel shaft rotates through two precision ball bearings. The shank of the hook rotates on axis thanks to the adjustable shaft. The steady…

    € 269,00
  • 654 transformer vise
    654 transformer vise

    The Transformer is a high quality product that thanks to a fast coupling device on the shaft can be transformed from in-line vise to tube-fly vise or streamer vise. Three vises in one with just a click. The stainless steel shaft…

    € 369,00
  • 655 Jaw 1
    655 Jaw 1

    Hardened steel interchangeable jaw suitable for Elite vise, Transformer vise and Airone vise. Ideal for tying medium and small flies. Hook locking by lever device "super soft".

    € 49,90
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